Beijing Institute of Technology | Ming-Jian Li
The following Python code is a companion code for the course on Artificial Intelligence and Simulation Science. It functions to convert an image of a handwritten digit, and use a KNN model to recognize the number. The dataset is in (click to download) .
1# convert image into txt
2import os
3from PIL import Image
5def imgtotext(imgfile,txtfile,size=(32,32)):
6 # convert image to txt file, with size 32*32
7 image_file =
8 image_file = image_file.resize(size,Image.LANCZOS)
9 image_file=image_file.convert('L')
10 width,height = image_file.size
11 f =open(txtfile,'w')
12 ascii_char = '10'
13 for i in range(height):
14 pix_char='';
15 for j in range(width):
16 pixel = image_file.getpixel((j,i))
17 pix_char+=ascii_char[int(pixel/128)]
18 pix_char+='\n'
19 f.write(pix_char)
20 f.close()
22imgtotext(r'test.jpg', r'test.txt')
24from os import listdir
25from numpy import *
26import numpy as np
27import operator
29def KNN(test_data,train_data,train_label,k):
30 # rows of dataset
31 dataSetSize = train_data.shape[0]
32 # expand input points to matrix, get distance
33 all_distances = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(tile(test_data,(dataSetSize,1))-train_data),axis=1))
34 print("all distances: ",all_distances)
35 # sort distance
36 sort_distance_index = all_distances.argsort()
37 # choose k points with min distances
38 classCount = {}
39 for i in range(k):
40 voteIlabel = train_label[sort_distance_index[i]]
41 classCount[voteIlabel] = classCount.get(voteIlabel,0)+1
42 sortedClassCount = sorted(classCount.items(), key = operator.itemgetter(1), reverse = True)
43 return sortedClassCount[0][0]
45# turn txt into vector 32x32 -> 1x1024
46def img2vector(filename):
47 returnVect = []
48 fr = open(filename)
49 for i in range(32):
50 lineStr = fr.readline()
51 for j in range(32):
52 returnVect.append(int(lineStr[j]))
53 return returnVect
55# get label from file name
56def classnumCut(fileName):
57 # ref file name: 0_3.txt
58 fileStr = fileName.split('.')[0]
59 classNumStr = int(fileStr.split('_')[0])
60 return classNumStr
62# training set
63def trainingDataSet():
64 train_label = []
65 trainingFileList = listdir('data/trainingDigits')
66 m = len(trainingFileList)
67 train_data = zeros((m,1024))
68 # get label
69 for i in range(m):
70 fileNameStr = trainingFileList[i]
71 train_label.append(classnumCut(fileNameStr))
72 train_data[i,:] = img2vector('data/trainingDigits/%s' % fileNameStr)
73 return train_label,train_data
75# test number
76Nearest_Neighbor_number = 3
77train_label,train_data = trainingDataSet()
78test_data = img2vector('test.txt')
79# predict
80classifierResult = KNN(test_data, train_data, train_label, Nearest_Neighbor_number)
81print ("I guess the number is: ", classifierResult)
The following figure is a handwritten digit:
The prediction by KNN is:
I guess the number is: 6