Beijing Institute of Technology | Ming-Jian Li
The following Python code is a companion code for the course on Artificial Intelligence and Simulation Science. It functions to fit a curve using linear regression based on a given dataset and make predictions, with parameter optimization using the gradient descent method.
1import numpy as np
2import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
4# prepare data
5data = np.array([[32, 31], [53, 68], [61, 62], [47, 71],
6 [59, 87], [55, 78], [52, 79], [39, 59],
7 [48, 75], [52, 71], [45, 55], [54, 82],
8 [44, 62], [58, 75], [56, 81], [48, 60],
9 [44, 82], [60, 97], [45, 48], [38, 56],
10 [66, 83], [65, 118], [47, 57], [41, 51],
11 [51, 75], [59, 74], [57, 95], [63, 95],
12 [46, 79], [50, 83]])
14x = data[:, 0]
15y = data[:, 1]
17# define loss function
18def compute_cost(w, b, data):
19 total_cost = 0
20 M = len(data)
21 # calculate loss, and get average
22 for i in range(M):
23 x = data[i, 0]
24 y = data[i, 1]
25 total_cost += (y - w * x - b) ** 2
26 return total_cost / M
28# define hyperparameters
29alpha = 0.0001
30initial_w = 0
31initial_b = 0
32num_iter = 10
34# gradient descent algorithm
35def grad_desc(data, initial_w, initial_b, alpha, num_iter):
36 w = initial_w
37 b = initial_b
38 # define a list to store all loss values
39 cost_list = []
40 for i in range(num_iter):
41 cost_list.append(compute_cost(w, b, data))
42 w, b = step_grad_desc(w, b, alpha, data)
43 return [w, b, cost_list]
45def step_grad_desc(current_w, current_b, alpha, data):
46 sum_grad_w = 0
47 sum_grad_b = 0
48 M = len(data)
49 # sum up
50 for i in range(M):
51 x = data[i, 0]
52 y = data[i, 1]
53 sum_grad_w += (current_w * x + current_b - y) * x
54 sum_grad_b += current_w * x + current_b - y
55 # get current gradient
56 grad_w = 2 / M * sum_grad_w
57 grad_b = 2 / M * sum_grad_b
58 # update w and b
59 updated_w = current_w - alpha * grad_w
60 updated_b = current_b - alpha * grad_b
61 return updated_w, updated_b
63# use gradient descent method to get best w and b
64w, b, cost_list = grad_desc( data, initial_w, initial_b, alpha, num_iter )
65print("w is: ", w)
66print("b is: ", b)
67cost = compute_cost(w, b, data)
68print("cost is: ", cost)
72# draw a fitting curve
73plt.scatter(x, y)
74# give prediction for each x
75pred_y = w * x + b
76plt.plot(x, pred_y, c='r')
The process of the loss value decreasing is as follows: